Friday 20 March 2009

To create films is certainly not an easy job. You need a lot of everything: talent, passion, imagination, inspiration, chance, money etc. And it is especially hard when you’re young and unknown. That’s why Film related courses in the British universities are a great opportunity for creative people. I met Alex Barbu and Volen Cherkezov, Film, Radio and Television students at Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) to talk about films.

Tell me about the project you’re working on at the moment?

A.B.: I and my colleagues at CCCU are working on a five minute film, as a project for our practical film course.
V.C.: It's about an oppressive office with dehumanized employees and their neurotic colleague.

What are you trying to say?

V.C.: We’re not really trying to say anything through the film. That would be pointless. It's just an observation of what a repetitive, boring and mechanical job does to people.

A.B.: Yeah, how some people try to escape it by doing a habit unaccepted by society, in this case - smoking. The main actor goes crazy in the end.

Is it necessary to have a degree in Film, Radio & TV in order to succeed in the media field?

V.C.: How would I know? I'm a student. Ask me again in 15 years when I'm a successful garbage man.
A.B.: It’s either to have a degree, or have connections, or even better both. The degree will give you credibility in order to be taken seriously by the connections.

Do you agree with the statement that nowadays the mass public is interested mostly in the special effects and not in story line, dialog, etc.?

A.B.: The thing about special effects is that they attract attention immediately and keep you watching the film. A complex story line develops slowly and a good dialogue between complex characters is not that easy to understand. These aspects in most cases make the film seem boring.
V.C.: People have always been interested in what provides them with the most entertainment and immediate gratification. You see someone fall on the street, you laugh. The Romans had gladiators, we have soap operas and blockbusters, it's nothing new.

Which are your favourite films?

V.C.: Baraka, Rashomon, Stalker.
A.B.: PI, directed by Darren Arofonsky, and Silence of the Lambs by Jonathan Demme. Both of them analyze the condition of the human psyche.

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