Thursday 14 May 2009

Get ready for the funniest Frankenstein ever – Frankenhood

Meet Frankie. He used to be dead but thanks to a medical experiment in a morgue he’s now more alive than ever. And while his creator Dr. Franklin (Charles Q. Morphey) is in the hospital the morgue employees Darius (Jasper Redd) and Motown (DeRay Davis) have to take care of Frankie.

What would you do if a dead person who has just become alive stands in front of you? You don’t know? Well, Darius and Motown did not know either so they gave him weed..…what happens afterwards is impossible to be described with words, it’s just hilarious. I’ll give you just a clue. There will be lots of hot girls, basketball, dancing and fun .

Frankenhood is THE comedy of the season. If you want to laugh your head off that is the perfect film for you. Just grab your friends and a pack of popcorn and go to see the movie. It’s highly recommended in order to catch some summer mood. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Itina, Your website's clean and tidy, looks good, easy to read, you use links well and links to video. Good work.
    I suggest:
    Embed a couple of trailers direct into your site, so they'll run on your page.
    Also, I'd suggest doing at least one completely self genertedpiece.
    Maybe write a pieceon a forthcoming film, maybe something about the industry itself.
    You can also include on here, a vid or radio work you have done in other lectures. That willd emonstrate the range of your work.
